Want to know the financial health of your business?
It starts with the financial health of your accounting system
Accounting System Services
Let's get you set up so you're ready to get organized!
It tells you whether or not you are making money in your business.
It tells you if you can afford to spend or invest and not just going based on your bank account.
It shows you where your money is coming from, and also where it is being spent.
It helps you understand your current financial position so you can make informed business decisions.
Let's get organized
Accounting Review
Want to make sure your accounting system is set up accurately and transactions are recorded correctly?
We will complete a full review of your current year financials.
If your system needs catching up, we will provide recommendations on what needs to be done to get ready for business!
If your system is already caught up, we will provide recommendations on areas of improvement to get your business financially healthly.
This is a one time fee $275
Note, this doesn't include any reconciliing time. Review only.
Accounting Catch Up
If you're looking to get your accounting system up to date we recommend first getting our Accounting System Review so we can assess what is needed and action out our recommendations.
With the review, we will be able to assess what needs to be done to get your accounting system business ready!
Our catch up services are billed at an hourly rate. The duration of time will depend on:
number of accounts to reconcile
volumn of transactions
complexity of activity
responsiveness to TFA queries